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HTML Kit Plugins Directory

Keywords : WorkspaceHome > Plugins > Keywords > Workspace
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Importing text from files not originally intended to be used on the Web? This plugin can be used to convert special characters in plain text blocks to HTML entities.
Some popular search engines, news services and online shops have started publishing special versions of their websites for visitors using handheld devices. This wizard makes it easier to start creating web pages that are optimized for PDAs.
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Demonstrates how to write a batch plugin that can find text in multiple files and sort the results.
Files opened from FTP servers can be previewed through a web server by setting the Web Root Address and right clicking the Workspace. This plugin makes it easier to preview remote files through a web server by clicking the Preview tab.
HTML-Kit has built-in support for dragging and dropping some of the most common file types. This feature can be extended to cover other file types, or the tags inserted by default can be customized as necessary.
Allows multi-file search and replace through the Batch Action Wizard interface. Includes support for regular expressions and backup files.
Allows multi-file searching through the Batch Action Wizard interface. Includes support for regular expressions.
Allows deletion of multiple files (to the Recycle Bin) through the Batch Action Wizard interface.
Demonstrates how to write a drag and drop handler in hkScript that can insert either <link rel="stylesheet" ... /> or <?xml-stylesheet ... ?> depending on the doctype.
 Designed using HTML-Kit
Button by Nathan Leveck
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